
My Baby....

My sweet baby is over ten months old. And he's getting so big so quickly!! These pictures are from his six month photo shoot (that I don't think I ever posted!), and I'm remembering my very little baby ... who is now BIG!


After Trick-or-Treating

We had to get one last picture with Papa and Gigi, and Graham asked for one more tatoo before heading to bed...


These pictures are backwards - I can't figure out the new blogger set-up.   I'll get it one day!  Halloween was SUPER SUPER FUN this year!!!  Brooks and Kyle ended up handing out candy - Brooks was fighting a cold, and it was pretty chilly outside.  Mom, Dad, and I took Graham trick-or-treating, and we had a BALL!!!  He ate candy, loved going house to house, and was very excited to pass out candy to other kids when we came home.

We started the evening by having some neighbors over for dinner and to see all the kids dressed up together.  Graham played with Kate almost the entire time,  and just before trick-or-treating she fed him his dinner!  Looks like she will be a wonderful caregiver when they are in their elderly years!!

Neighborhood Halloween Party

Our neighborhood has a kids Halloween party each year - so fun!  Brooks was just along for the ride in a cute dragon costume.  Graham explored the entire party - he ate cupcakes, he did a spider ring toss, he did a pumpkin toss, touched yucky, mysterious stuff, looked at the skeleton coming out of the ground (he said, "that skeleton fall down; I pick him up.")

Fun times!

Funny Times

My vest fell on the floor the other day, and Brooks though it was the funniest thing to lay on it and slide all around the floor!

He Found a Binky....

...and he never let's it out of his sight!


JMU came to Norfolk to play ODU last weekend, and we HAD to go!!  We went with our friends Bob and Tristie, and we had SUCH a blast!!!  Unfortunately JMU lost, but it was such a great game!

My Sweet Baby

Brooks LOVES looking out the front door.  And he also loves slobbering all over the door.  So cute!!!

(When Graham saw him sitting here this time he yelled, "that's MY door".  Oh MY!  While we're definitely working on sharing around here, what do we do with that?!)

Brooks is so sweet - very curious about all the toys in the house.  Although he's started to get a little fiesty when Graham takes toys away or yells, "that's mine".  He has head-butted Graham, he has hit Graham.....and it's only the beginning!

Gearing up for Halloween!

BeBe came over for dinner last week, and Graham insisted on wearing his Halloween costume.  He couldn't stop talking about "getting lots candy!"