
Our Hot Water Heater...

Can Handle Three And A Half Showers.

(Doesn't bode well when all five family members are dirty.  Someone gets a cold shower!)


Making Cookies!

Graham and his friend Alison made cookies for their class's Valentine's party a couple night ago.  (Truth be told, Alison's mom and I made the cookies for the class while they decorated their own  masterpieces!)

Preparing for Valentine's Day

Graham has his first Valentine exchange and party at school this week, and he's SUPER excited!  While the other boys napped this past Sunday, he drew on the cards for each of his classmates, and we attached a blow pop and a bag of pop rocks to each Valentine.  So, so sweet!! 

Helicopters are FUN!!

"Mommee - I Go Poppy"

(We're going to have to work on where the pee pee comes out....)

Pop Rocks = HUGE HIT (They're Still Around!?!)

Roving Dinner

We had THE.MOST.FUN roving dinner in our neighborhood ever last weekend.  We co-hosted a round with our friends, the Ricketts, and our round lasted twice as long as it should have.  We were all late to dessert!  We had oysters on the grill, shrimp, beef tenderloin, and lots of great company and conversation.  LOVE our neighborhood!

"Mo-mo is tir-tee (thirsty), Mommee. He like Muk."

My Littlest Addiction - Tanner Wade Gift

I can't get enough of this little boy!!  He is smiling, giggling - really outright laughing since he's so ticklish!, rolling over, eating food!!, sleeping pretty well - just getting up at 11:30 and 5:00 each night, he is just YUMMY!  He LOVES his brothers and particularly loves when Graham pays a lot of attention to him. We have a lot of baby love in this house!


And Vacation for Us.....

While the boys were at "Camp Papa and Gigi", Kyle and I were skiing and going to the spa at Wintergreen!  SUCH a relaxing weekend away.  Kyle and I were able to talk - have full conversations - eat good food, get lots of skiing in, had amazing massages, read books, watched movies, and SLEPT!  Through the entire night!!   (The picture above is funny - I thought Kyle had aluminum foil inside his pants!

The so old fashioned braided belt.  Does anyone still own one of these except Kyle Gift??


My parents gave me and Kyle a weekend away skiing for Christmas - along with babysitting!!  And I don't think any of the boys even realized we were gone!  They had such a blast at Papa and Gigi's house!  They watched a movie, ate pizza, and made ice cream sundaes the first night.  And both big boys had a slumber party on the floor next to Papa and Gigi's bed.  Graham made cookies, they had a massive bubble bath with the jacuzzi jets on in the tub, the big boys went to the aquarium, Dad even took the big boys to church, and Tanner was the sweet, adaptable, loveable boy he always is!

More Pics of Our Time With Aunt Girl!

Brooks Bradley Gift

Oh this boy is so addicting!!  He LOVES.  He loves to give hugs and kisses.  He loves to play, do artwork, bounce in the bounce house, and he really loves yogurt!  He has a fondness for Elmo, and he's finding more ways to exercise his freedom.  (Which began when he was 16 months hold and catapulting out of his crib.  He's been sleeping in a double bed ever since having decided he didn't care of the crib converted to toddler bed.)  He LOVES his older brother.  Admires everything he does, asks where Grammy is when he's not home.  He is very, very active.  He's so good at his gymnastics class and participates so well at his music class.  He loves to sign "hot potato" and he is a great dancer.  He eats all.day.long.  Nothing can ruin his appetite.  He is hysterical and has the most fabulous belly laugh!  He is a sweet snuggler in bed when he's awake but when he's asleep, he takes over!  He sleeps perpendicular, and he never stops moving.  (Yes, even when he's asleep!)  He is my addicting, Brooks-y!

Graham Knox Gift

This little boy is super sweet, sensitive, loving, very excited to be recognized for good work and accomplishments, loves to make his youngest brother laugh, loves stories and songs, really cares about his friends, and is developing quite the sense of humor!  He's super smart and asks great questions! 
He also loves to ask for "rock out music" when we're driving in the car.  He loves to run, swim, swing and "pump his legs", and do gymnastics.  And he loves to ride his bike. 
One of my favorite things - when he wakes up in the morning he will come and snuggle in bed with me and Kyle.  He'll scratch our backs, stroke our faces, smile, and just settle in in between us.  The sweetest time of the day with him!

Graham LOVES to Dress Up!!

Here he is with his friend (Fwend) Alison.  He particularly loves Cindarella!