
Finally - a haircut!

Graham has been sporting a mullet for a while now.  What to do?  His parents are lousy at cutting his hair, we don't particularly like the barbershop he's been to before....so we tried a new place called "Pigtails and Crewcuts" in Virginia.  It's fabulous.  I can't believe we haven't gone there before!  It's all of $5 more than the regular barbershop in our neighborhood but SUCH a better experience!  Graham hopped into the car and "drove" for his entire haircut.  He stopped for a quick animal cracker break (they have snacks on hand for the customers), and he got to pick out a toy as he was leaving the store.  I'm probably one of the few motheres in Virginia Beach that had not yet experienced this place.  What a fun experience!  And convenient - it's two stores away from Graham's gym class.

1 comment:

Christy said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!

I love your updates!!!! Graham is SOOOOO handsome and grown up and I love all the little details about him...climbing and stories and haircuts and all. Precious! I love that little boy so much!!!

Ok, we MUST have a date at the botanical gardens when I come home--FOR SURE!!! It looks adorable and so perfect for the boys----