
Brooks - 4 Months

Clearly this post is a wee bit overdue!!  Brooks hit 4 months on May 1st.  At his 4 month appointment, he weighed 17 pounds, 6 ounces - suffice it to say, he doesn't miss many meals!  He barely blinked at his shots!  He has so much chub on his sweet legs, that it must have helped to buffer the sting!  Also around his 4 month check up he started sleeping 12 hours each night!  He goes to bed around 7:00 - although we're now stretching him to about 7:45 so we can have family play time outside in the evenings.  He will wake up around 5:30 or 6:00, chit chat happily by himself for a little while, and fall back asleep until about 7:30.  Wow!!  Who knew how wonderful it was to sleep an entire night?! 

He is also rolling over! 

Brooks is such a sweet, easy baby! 

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