
First Trip To The Dentist

While we've known we should take Graham to the dentist for the first time at age 3....we really didn't take it to heart.  Until we realized he had an abscess growing on his top gum.  (He fell on his tooth about a year ago, and it's been grey ever since.  He developed an abscess on his gum, and our next door neighbor told us he really needed to see a dentist in order to avoid a root canal.  So off to the dentist we went.)  

Luckily, his first experience was just diagnostic.  He got his teeth cleaned and had a wonderful experience.  We went back two days later to have his front tooth removed.  I think the procedure was harder on Kyle and me than it was on Graham.  He was definitely uncomfortable, but he bounced back so quickly. He is doing great!  Although it will be many years before he has a front tooth again!

(For being brave at the dentist, Graham got a kaleidoscope.  Papa brought over a milkshake the day of his surgery, and the tooth fairy visited our house much sooner than we ever expected.  (She brought Mr. Potato Head from Toy Story.)

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