
A Day In The Life of the Gift Boys...

We are still working on words with Brooks - he's getting there, but his vocabulary is still a little limited.  He knows the important things, though.  He can say "cool" if he likes a car or a toy.  He knows the word "fly" - for those pesky flies that sneak into our house.  Bug and Ball.  He does know my name - Momma.  And he thinks Kyle is also Momma.  He is just too irresistible!

Graham had his first fire drill at Sunnybrook the other day - so sweet to hear him recount it!

Brooks not only moved to a new bedroom on the third floor shortly after he began catapulting himself out of his crib....but we also took the side of the crib off so he could get in and out.  And the next day he began sleeping in the double bed in his room.  He hasn't slept in the crib since.  So...I have a 19 month old who refuses a crib and an almost 4-year old who has to be bribed with ice cream to sleep in his big boy bed.  They are too funny!

And a funny conversation I had recently with Graham:

I was putting dinner on the table and not paying very close attention to what Graham was telling me.  I put cups in front of both boys, and both cups had straws.  Shortly after I see Brooks has turned his cup and straw into a geyser, and it's spewing everywhere.  Graham, meanwhile, is shaking his head at me and saying, "I told you he couldn't use a straw."  One of the funniest things I've heard in a long time.  I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt!

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