
The Two Big Boys Go To The Dentist

Brooks was VERY excited to go to the dentist - played in the waiting room and kept telling me, "Mommy I am ready get my teef cleaned NOW!"  Well, that bravery turned to a bit of uncertainty when it was actually time.  Graham, meanwhile, runs that office.  He's been there at least 3-4 times starting with his front tooth being pulled almost 2 years ago.
Brooks got his picture taken - nervous smile, sweet boy.  And then when it came time to lay down he wasn't having any of it.  Dr. Brown counted his teeth, and when Kyle asked him if he was going to clean Brooks' teeth, Dr. Brown's didn't miss a beat.  "If I were to clean his teeth, I'd be peeling him off the ceiling!"  Dr. Brown is one of three boys himself, and he has the most perfect bedside manner and humor to deal with kids.

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