
Happy Birthday Graham!

Graham knew exactly what he wanted to do for his birthday party this year - bowling!  So off to the bowling alley we went!  What a sweet time.  The kids actually bowled the entire time - they all loved it!

It is so hard to believe this little love of mine is already six years old.  It seems like just yesterday that we were bringing him home from the hospital.  Graham loves cars, playing, reading, drawing, creating, exploring.  He has really developed a great relationship with Molly.  He is a tough little guy, sometimes will hang back and check things out before diving in to something new.  He still comes to sleep in our bed some nights when he gets nervous, and snuggling with him in the morning is so so sweet.  There are times when he is just such a sweet big brother, I get tears in my eyes.  His two little brothers absolutely adore him.  And he is really developing his faith.  He loves going to church, and he will try to teach the other boys the harder-to-understand faith concepts.  Graham is such a sweet and precious gift to us.  How lucky am I to be him mom.

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