
Graham - Five Weeks Old Yesterday

Graham hit the five week mark yesterday! He got his social security card in the past week, he's been to Target three times, he might be going through another growth spurt right now, He enjoys going to lunch with Papa and his mom, he went to Gigi and Papa's Christmas party this past week, and he's going to BB and Buddy's Christmas party next week. He's met so many people that have been praying for him ever since he was 30 weeks along in my womb. It's been humbling to chat with people that barely know our little family but because of their love for my parents and Kyle's mom and step dad, they've been praying for Graham for many months. That's been powerful. (I have no idea why this entry is underlined, and I can't seem to figure out how to reverse it. Ah technology.) This past Thursday, Graham's late night get togethers finally made me go completely loony. So, Gigi spent the day with Graham while Graham's Papa and I went to lunch and did some Christmas shopping. That afternoon I took my first nap. (I'm terrible at napping.) The next morning I was back to normal. When Graham woke up, I told him I was the crazy girl from the day before. He didn't seem to mind.
All right - so I'm interested to see who you think Graham looks like. Weigh in! Kyle, Brenda, and I think he looks just like me. Everyone else thinks he looks like Kyle. Let's tally the votes!

We take lots of walks, and Graham is always bundled up - in fact he's usually a bit too warm by the time we get home. He has this snuggly "sleeping bag" type thing that attaches to his car seat.

If someone could figure out how to keep a pacifier in an infant's mouth, he/ she would be a millionaire.


Unknown said...

I think he looks like Brian Regan.

beckley said...

both. i'm voting both (you can post a "poll" from your customize-gadget-add section to further your frustrations with technology if you want to:)
and no, you're not a napper. i think i remember that, mans:)i have this image of you feeling miserable post-nap, glasses close at hand, and a cranky voice about how you're not a napper. and a yellow rain coat, (what?!):) funny the snapshots we have in our memories!

Maybe Tomorrow said...

duh - duct tape. that's the only thing that worked for Jake & Reid. It was Dean's advice. HA!
I have to admit I see both of you guys - in one pic I see Kyle and the next its Mandy.

Unknown said...

My vote is that right now he looks like Mandy. The pictures look great guys, and we are still praying for the little man.

The House of Clouse

Unknown said...

Heya. It's Miriam of the house of clouse... so Mandy..first I want you to know that the late night feedings drive most of us loony.. especially at the beginning. Hang in there, I had to just take it one day at a time. The pacifier part... good luck! Most kiddos get the hang of it on their own around 6 months-ish. Then you just leave a few in the crib for them to find. He's a cute little bugger!!! Merry Christmas to your sweet family!