

This week we've had a bit of silliness in our house. To start, yesterday I took a bag of workout clothes to work so I could make a quick stop by the gym on the way home. I ended up leaving the office later than I planned so I just went straight home. Once I got home I unpacked my gym bag. Good thing I didn't go to the gym. Not only did I take two completely different tennis shoes but they were both for my right foot. That would make running a tad tricky.
I think I have "mom-nesia" as an article in the US News and World Report calls it. (Funny article that my friend Tristie gave me - recommend the read) Kyle and I ended up going out to dinner last Saturday night, and I completely forgot to go to Ladies Night Out with my church. I remembered once I got to church on Sunday morning and saw my girlfriends. Nothing like that "AHA" moment...
Graham and his two lady friends at Jill and Adam's house - hanging at the Super Bowl

More silliness...first off let me welcome you to our master bathroom...

If you turn to the left, you'll see a tub...

There seems to be something in the tub...

... Baby Graham!

Nothing like starting them out on TV early, right?

Meanwhile - this is so all our "kids" can hang out in the same room together in the morning. Molly loves to crawl under the covers in our bed. (our resident sea monster is below)

Kona just waking up...

And yet more silliness...
Graham has a thing for his toys hanging from our fan. So Kyle took a very long ribbon, attached it to the fan, attached some of Graham's toys to the ribbon, turned the fan on, and let 'er rip.

Flying high...

And mirror time. Graham is super taken with himself. Mirror time is hilarious!

Let's work out! Graham doing push ups during tummy time

Working Hard!

1 comment:

Christy said...

That was the BEST ONE YET!!!! Ha!!! Hilarious!!! First off, you should totally patent the "fan toy" idea! Amazing!! Kallen is obsessed with fans, and i just don't know what he'd do if one of his TOYS were on it!...wow....and your bathroom looks AWESOME!!!! forgot you got that done...of course, i hardly recognize it at all...love the clever use of the bathtub, and yes, NEVER too early to get them hooked on some good ol tv!...love the dogs...oh dear could go on and on...love YOU!!!!