

We've been experiencing a lot of cool "firsts" with Graham these past few weeks! He's started eating real food which is fun, hilarious, messy, cute. We started with rice cereal, and once he got the spoon figured out, we started in on real food. My dear friend Christy clued us in to the BabyCook from Williams Sonoma, and we've been putting it to great use. Graham has eaten butternut squash, sweet potato, carrots, green beans and peas (Graham's not partial to anything green), apples, pears, bananas, honeydew melon, and papaya. His favorite - by far - is papaya-banana. I put one papaya and three bananas together - YUM!
Graham's feet now reach to the floor of his saucer...

First time in shorts! I love showing off his chubby little legs!

First time wearing sunglasses

Graham's dinosaur pillow "eats" him every night before he goes to bed

About to be tucked into bed...

The girls had their first swim day of the season - and have been swimming almost every day since!

Graham's first bike ride!

That was THE BEST!

The veggie garden continues to grow...

The herbs - from the back: mint, arugula, parsley, chives, rosemary. We're enjoying them all!

The first cherry tomato has popped up!

Summer is almost completely here - with the recent rain, the first flowers are beginning to bloom
Oak Leaf hydrangea
We have our first bird nest in the trellis - which is why the trellis looks like it desperately needs a "haircut"! We'll trim it back once the birds have flown away. (The gate is so the girls don't go after the birds.)

The nest is hard to see, but it's hidden up there! Cardinals!

First clematis of the season - my favorite variety

First time planting this - double petunia

Graham's first time in his portable chair - he's laughing hysterically because he's making such a mess! Really funny! He had to graduate away from eating on the couch this evening...

First pool date with his friend Allie -

First time chilling in the pool -

First hamburger lunch at Papa and Gigi's this summer - my dad's burgers are the BEST! (Graham has a thing for bottles of Scope and Listerine - the green kind.)

My first time paddle boarding - very cool! (I'm in my full wetsuit because this day was also the first day I went water skiing - water was chilly!)

Now this was not a first. More like a twenty-first. Molly has a thing for this one secction of our yard. When we first got Molly, she dug a hole here and threw a bone in. We think she is still looking for that bone. (We pulled it out of the hole immediately.) Anyway, we have planted grass, Molly has dug a hole, plant grass, dig hole, etc. many, many times. This was last week.

Graham's first food -

Graham's first ride in his stroller - not in the car seat!

Our first walk to my parents' house as a family. We let the girls off their leashes, and they went running through the yard, water, muck. They even found a goose on her nest of eggs!


Christy said...

that was the BEST post EVER!!!!! all the pictures were awesome! Mandy, he is SO stinkin cute!!!!! I can't wait to SEE him for real...LOVED getting caught up on your life...can't believe he's already eating real food?!!...they are really SO close in age...your garden looks amazing!!! Paddleboarding looks so fun---always wanted to do that...anyways, I could keep going but I'll stop...THANK you for the awesome update on your life! love you...see you SOON!!!!!

Red said...

How much fun, I love all the pictures!! He is growing up so fast, I can't believe how big he is getting. He has the best smile, I had to giggle when he was grinning so big at the camera. ;)