
Potty Training

Graham had been showing quite an interest in potty training lately, that we decided to just jump in and do a blitz training. Here are some pics from the first day - Monday, President's Day. I couldn't get enough of his cute little legs and tush in big boy underwear! Kyle had a great idea - Graham watched a lot of Elmo's potty training video on Monday. In the bathroom. And he had a LOT of juices, special drinks, and fun, salty snacks. (That are all now in the trash! Just couldn't bear to have them in the house after they had "done their job"!) Monday was sweet, hard, special, and completely exhausting. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - no accidents at all!!! He has worked so hard - and he definitely loves the M&Ms he gets every time he goes!

1 comment:

Christy said...


Those last pictures in "chicks dig me" and the mismatched shoes are SO very perfect---what a buddy!!!!! Love that boy!

Excited to hear about how it worked girl!!! We've tried 2x's and it always ends up with a disaster and I won't go into detail :)

LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!