

We had a crazy tornado come through Virginia Beach this past week. Tuesday afternoon. (And Kyle was out of town - so surprising!). I was outside with the dogs, gorgeous day with blue skies. In the blink of an eye, the sky turned black, I heard the "freight train", got the dogs in the house. In less than ten minutes it had completely passed and the sky was blue again. Really eerie. Unfortunately, in the storm's wake we were left without power or telephones. So strange because we normally have phone service (I keep an old fashioned "hard line" phone on hand just for this purpose), but we didn't. Well, our neighborhood had power restored late Wednesday night. Not us Gifts. We got power back but then it fizzled again. We had the same problem we had in December when we lost all connection to the power company. (Which is why I bring in the picture below - Brooks was three days old, and we had no power. And it was about 12 degrees outside.

We finally got power back Friday morning - wow isn't air conditioning such a blessing!! It's been about 90 degrees here every day. I finally hit a wall on Thursday. I took the dogs to the kennel and then took the kids to my parents' house. We had a nice dinner and I actually got some sleep that night.

Kyle got home around 3am on Friday morning, and we were ready for the holiday weekend.

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