
Summer at the Beach House

It is FINALLY summer at the beach house!!! And we have been there two out of the last four weekends. We've finally gotten some use out of those 4 paddle boards we bought for the house last year!! It is so relaxing at the beach. And without TV, we're really enjoying time together. Talking, reading, relaxing. And really not being connected to the outside world. (There is wi-fi, though.) Graham is such a water bug. He goes to the beach after breakfast and stays there until it's nap time. And he easily take an almost 3 hour nap each day. He doesn't stop! He loves the outdoor shower! Particularly since it's home to two little frogs. And, I've truly settled into my role of Mom to two boys. I am picking up more bugs these days. The same bugs that used to send me jumping on top of furniture to get away from them. Oh my!

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