
Happy Easter!

I have struggled to communicate with my kids what Easter is really all about - on an appropriate level.  And I even struggle with Easter not being about bunnies and eggs....although we definitely go that route for the fun of it all.  I found (Pinterest) a recipe for something called Resurrection cookies that was the perfect way to talk about Easter with Graham.  So, one evening, after Brooks had gone to bed, he and I started working on Resurrection Cookies.  It was a super simple recipe but every ingredient had great meaning.  There is even vinegar in the cookies!  After adding that ingredient (and tasting it), we read the verse that talks about Jesus being offered only vinegar to drink.  Each ingredient carries a verse in the Bible, and by the time the cookies were in the oven, we had read almost the entire story of Jesus' death on the cross.  (Which, by the way, Graham talks about still!)  Then you tuck the cookies into the oven, tape the door shut - like the tomb being closed.  And in the morning, you open the oven and eat a cookie.  Realizing that the cookies are hollow just like the tomb was empty.  (The cookies are just a variation on the standard meringue.)  Such a special time for the two of us.  And it is incredible to me how MUCH Graham "gets".

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