
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

This picture above has nothing to do with Saint Patrick's Day.  This is just a normal, everyday picture of one of the countertops in my house.  A wonderful crazy!

I attempted green eggs and ham.  And it looked more like poison slop to me.  I had one customer.  Care to take a guess??  Yep - that chubby little fella who will eat anything that comes within his line of vision.  He ate every bit.  (My "recipe" was just scrambled eggs with chopped ham with green food coloring.)

Graham was a little freaked out by the green eggs and ham.  He didn't touch them.  But he loved the sausage! :)  And both boys enjoyed "reading" green eggs and ham on the iPad.  (That's probably one of those books that I should actually own a real copy of....)

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