
Halloween Night

Daddy was a bit too creepy for my tastes - he enjoyed keeping his glasses on and then scaring all the ladies.  I didn't care for his crazy eyeballs.

Heading down to the Horns' house for our annual tradition of chili and snacks before going as one big group to trick-or-treat.  My super heros are READY!  And so is that little baby dragon.

Who, me?!  I'm not sure what you're talking about.  (This sweet guy can do no wrong.  His face!!!  Oh - he makes me melt!)

Graham's sweet friend, Ali.  Brooks likes to make moves on Graham's ladies when Graham isn't looking.  Not kidding.

My girls - LOVE these ladies!!

All the kids were booking it as fast as they could to fill up their trick-or-treat bags.  I was literally RUNNING after them.  I think they have the routine down!

One of our more fun stops - Regent Park families had camped out in the main part of the street - TABLES of candy, bonfire....super fun!  (Graham and Allie Wight - one of his favorite friends.  He talks about her all the time.  And tends to bite her when they play together.  How do I work on that?!  It's been happening almost since the day they were born.  She is a VERY patient little lady....)

Dad with Brooks and his pal, Timmy.  

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