
Easter 2009 - He Is Risen!

Easter has always been an important day in our lives. All of a sudden it has more meaning - not because we believe more or have more faith, but because the importance of teaching Graham about the Lord is so great. It was a wonderful celebration this year. We had a great morning at home with Graham, our church service was beautiful, moving. And, we had a delicious lunch with our family (Gigi, Papa, BeBe, Buddy) and friends at my parents' house. I bought chocolates for my mom and dad to thank them for having us over (Fair Trade chocolate as my friend Robyn has taught me - so important). We had yummy food, and the company was great. My grandad came over for lunch, we all ended up taking naps at some point, and I was able to read my book for a bit - before I dozed off. A perfect, truly relaxing Sunday.

Graham's Great Grandpa -we all napped at some point during the day!


One more of Graham - couldn't resist! He laughs and smiles all the time. He's just addictive to me! I know one day he will tell me to stop kissing him. Until them, his skin will be almost raw from my kissing. I just can't resist!


Red said...

Aw Mandy, he is just precious!! I can't believe how big he is getting. The pictures are so adorable, I love the 2nd one of you and Graham and of course the last one...to cute!! ;0)

beckley said...


sO cute!
what a pretty momma you are!
i'm glad you had a fun day. graham was way cute in his outfit.

teaching kids about Easter is one of those incredible challenges and privileges, and so humbling!

Christy said...

he is SO adorable Mandy...he gets cuter every second!! :) and your pictures are gorgeous...we miss you and your family SOOOOO much...hope to see you VERY soon!!!!! xoxoxoxo :)