
My ladies, some ducks, and more Graham

Well, I can't forget my ladies! Kona and Molly are LOVING the nicer weather outside. And, they're anxious to start swim season. (I am, too. But, the pool is currently 60 degrees - not my cup of tea.) So, we also have ducks in our backyard. I saw them the other day and called out to Kyle - I could have sworn they were fighting. Strangest thing I'd ever seen! Kyle comes over and thinks they're doing something other than fighting. Perhaps baby ducks soon?
Our girls are big (Molly - while skinny is 75 pounds and has a large frame. Kona - while low to the ground can look a bit tough.). To "soften" up their look, Kyle bought them pink hair ties that are now attached to their "necklaces" (AKA collars). They also have new tags on their collars - to go with the FOUR other tags they have?! - that say "My name is " ___". Please protect me from cars. I'm nice. You probably think we're paranoid. Maybe we are!

Molly - all 75 pounds of her - she looks skinny. She's really tall...
My sweet lady Kona - always wants to play!

Molly's Bling!

Kona's Bling!

The infamous "fighting" ducks

Waddling away..

One more of Graham - he LOVES sitting in his Bumbo chair looking outside. He especially loves watching our girls chase each other around the yard

1 comment:

Christy said...

those girls are SOOOO pretty :)...well, your pool must have a certain romantic aura huh?? baby ducks would be fun :) LOVE you!!