
Lots of updates...

Graham is laughing hysterically these days. A lot. It's too fun!

Last night was a great night. After Graham went to bed, we swam laps with the girls and then went into their cabinet in the laundry room. They know their cabinet and what is stored in there...special bones!! Yes please!

Graham's mom LOVES his naked little body!

Figuring out his sippy cup...

Wrong end

In addition to lots of hysterical laughter, Graham has kept up his yell. It, too, is hilarious. (To his mom and dad) Especially hilarious when it takes his entire body off the floor. He'll balance on his hands and feet while yelling.

Trying out new foods! Bananas and teething biscuits

Graham is famous! This is the actual picture in the paper that we talked about earlier. It's proudly displayed on our fridge!

LOVE the lilies all in bloom. Wish they would last longer

Love these feet!

Not quite sure what I think of this food...

Some of the veggies from our garden - YUM! We eat tomatoes everyday. Now a question - our cucumbers are seedless cucumbers. But the plants are from seeds. Explain that one. I'm not complaining - they're delicious. Just doesn't make any sense to me!

Something else that doesn't make any sense...these flash cards. Kyle ripped them out of Graham's flash card pack. We thought the green card should have a green border. The orange card should have an orange border. You know. Funny thing - the rest of the cards in this set have a border that is the color on the card. These are now in the trash.

Our actual anniversary - Kyle, Graham and I took a picnic to the beach and listened to a jazz band. So fun! Graham had a ball.

Graham and Kyle reading the newspaper. Graham's papa would be so proud!


beckley said...

so fun to catch up-
happy anniversary! and that kid- i mean, really, mans- just-too-cute!

and on the cucumber, it's almost like the cucumber has lost the sense of who he is- like he's reproducing something different from his root- like he's deeply rooted in that from which he started, yet somewhere along the way he begins to exist only for himself- like he exists only for himself not for his own replication, and like he no longer fully resembles that which parents him... can i go all living in the genesis 1-2 versus living in the 3?

kidding. it's a cucumber.
but i've spent my week in study @ living in the gen 1-2 v the 3. and that it's all about which one you start with. silly cucumber.

yummy, huh? in summer i live on hummus scooped by cucumber...still waiting on my first fruits :)

Christy said...

Oh....that was SUCH a good update!!! Thank you!!! Graham is getting SO big and adorable...I can't wait to see him in person!!!

Your veggies and lilies look amazing---I think I've killed my tomato plant by overwatering it---I'll need some tips from you :)

Can't believe his picture was in the paper!!!!! That's amazing---and its SOOO cute!!