
Graham Is On The Move!

Two of Graham's favorite activities lately - playing "Chase" and going to the park down the street. If we let him, I think he would swing all day. In fact, this week we put him in the swing one morning and only took him out because he was getting really cold. And, he threw a fit. He always throws a fit when he has to get out of the swing or out of the tub. He LOVES these things!

He also is very interested in climbing on the big bed in his room, pulling back his shade, and looking outside.

And he loves to hold his own bottle...
Mommy, how tall am I?
I cherish my snuggle time before he goes to bed.
And the chase is on! When Graham crawls, he crawls "normally" while on carpeting. When he's on hardwood or tile floors, he stays on the tips of his fingers and toes - hilarious.

Graham LOVES the park!!

Graham's first time on the slide - he didn't enjoy it as much as the swings.

Graham has a wagon with seatbelts! Wagons have certainly come a long way since I was a kid. We got this wagon just in time for trick or treating this year. Our neighborhood holds a Halloween parade the weekend before Halloween. So, we'll walk over in the wagon and then take it out on Halloween as well. Graham is going to ride with his friend, Allie. As Kyle says: Graham is going to be a dragon in a wagon for Halloween.

Graham's friend, Allie, turned one a couple weeks ago. And she had very cool things to play with at her birthday party. Graham LOVED the pool with all the balls...

Kyle's dad, step-mom, and sister Lauren came to visit recently. Kyle and his father (Pop-Pop) spent Saturday building Graham a table for his playroom. And, Graham LOVES it!! They also built a box to store toys that fits perfectly under the table. (Actually, the box is so the dogs don't end up stealing Graham's toys...)

Once the bench is complete, and the chairs are delivered, I'll take pics and post. Graham is really enjoying "working" at his new table.
Graham's bumpers were removed from his crib a couple weeks ago...this little monkey was climbing up. No more bumpers, and Graham definitely still sleeps in his sleep sack. Much harder to stand in that snuggle bedtime "blanket".

1 comment:

Christy said...

AMAZING pictures!!!

I love the one of you and Graham---you are SO beautiful Mandy!!

And my second favorite is how he climbs up to move the blinds and look outside!! ADORABLE!...how did these little guys grow UP so fast???!!!!