
The Gardening Begins!!!

I can't WAIT for this year's garden! I've got my seeds, and I'm ready to see my little plants grow! I'm planting about 5-6 kinds of tomatoes this year (sugar grape, purple, heirloom, yellow cherry....), red, green, yellow, orange, white and purple sweet peppers, broccoli, 4 kinds of beets, watercress (to go with beets yummy salads!), peas, seedless cukes, and my lettuce came back!

Two kinds of basil - the traditional sweet basil and one that tastes very similar but looks much prettier!


Christy said...

I wish I lived closer---I would LOVE to learn from you...my garden is SLOW GOING---at least right now we have the wood frame up...but its still EMPTY :)


Miriam said...

I second what Christy said! You've got to educate me on how you have such an amazing garden. Ive never tried and am not sure where I'd start. How do you keep the dogs out? Is that an enclosure tall enough to keep them out!? How much! Happy Planting!