
The Beach House is FINISHED!!!

Mom and Dad's beach house is finally finished!  It's fully decorated, and we've been there the past couple weekends.  And, it's insanely relaxing!  No TV, we get to bring the dogs, and we all just run and play on the beach.  We've had very special family time.  Kyle and I find that we talk to each other so much more while we're there - it's all we  have to do!  And, the best part - it's a 40 minute drive from our house.  And a beautiful drive at that!  17 miles of it is over the Chesapeake Bay, and there's always something interesting for Graham to look at.  Here are a "few" pictures from our first times there.  (The first one below is of Graham sitting on our suitcase on the way our the door!)

Graham's new favorite "special treat" - one oreo from Papa after lunch.  This boy has a sweet tooth!

Kona dragged this stick out of the ocean to play with it - it was about six feet long!

One of the few (only?) times Robin and I will have a picture together while we're BOTH pregnant!!!!

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