
My Sweet Kona Brown

A week and a half ago, Kyle happened to look inside Kona's mouth, and one of her teeth had broken off exposing the pulp of the tooth and the roots in her gum.  It looked awful.  A quick trip to the vet, and she was schedueld for surgery last Monday.  (The vet said she must be in pain, and in order to avoid infection she needed surgery.)  Definitely gave me a sleepless night or two and had me worried all day last Monday about her coming out of anesthesia.  But she did great!  Molly knew intuitively that something was wrong and was VERY gentle with Kona when she came home from surgery.  Sniffed her mouth immediately (Molly has this "sense" about detecting blood.) and gave her kisses.  Then laid with her on the couch while Kona rested.  Trying to keep Kona still is VERY tricky.  Within 48 hours, she was trying to play tug-of-war with Molly and running after tennis balls.  And clearly her mouth had not yet healed! 

She's doing great, done with her antibiotics, and enjoying every morsel of soft canned food that comes her way.

(This is where her IV was....)

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