

We go to Home Depot WAY too often.  So much so that Graham knows where to find the "No-Man" and "Santa Claus" blow up dolls.  You know - those awful, tacky things that are six feet tall?  For the front yard?!  Well, Kyle and Graham went to Home Depot again yesterday, and Kyle couldn't resist buying a slightly less tacky - but still very tacky - snowman for the yard.  (The Snowman resides in our backyard - but he's VERY bright.)  Graham LOVES it!

I bought a kit at Trader Joe's for decorating a gingerbread man, and I downloaded an app for making cookies on my iPad.  I thought yesterday afternoon would be good mother-son bonding time.  We'd "pretend" making cookies (Graham is very interested in moving his fingers across the iPad), then decorate his gingerbread man, then start our Christmas cookie making together.  Well, the cookie-making app was completely uninteresting to him, decorating the gingerbread man held his attention for about 10 seconds - he instead spend the entire time eating the decorations off his "man", and he was more interested in dipping his fingers in my cookie dough than actually helping.  Luckily, it was still very sweet time together - just a little more "managed" than I had planned in my mind.

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