
A bit about the brown girls in our life...

Our two dogs, Molly and Kona, have had an exciting summer. They both have gotten two sets of shoes - primarily so we no longer have to spend our spare time in the vet ER getting their paws fixed up after they connect with oyster shells while they swim in the river. Do you know how hard it is to keep an eye on EIGHT feet?! Molly finally has learned to swim, and both she and Kona love to swim laps in the pool. And they've perfected lounging in their pool chairs after a long swim. Here's a picture of Kona getting ready to go on the boat and go swimming - wearing her shoes. (Molly isn't too excited about putting shoes on her feet, yet...) And, I've included a "lounging" picture. Molly has really started to enjoy being part of a family. Yeah, we're smitten with them both.

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