
We thought we'd take a moment to update you on the past few days in our life. It's been a whirlwind to say the least! I was admitted to the hospital on Thursday night with some pretty scary symptoms. They whisked us right away to labor and delivery and thought that Graham was going to be welcomed to the world that night - not quite 31 weeks. So, quite a bit early. Throughout the night, they had us sign all the necessary paperwork - c-section, blood transfusion because of my loss of blood, met with the neonatologist. We were pretty numb throughout the entire process and luckily we made it through the night without meeting Graham! Friday morning we realized we were out of the woods for at least a short while which was such a relief. And, the gravity of what had happened and the resulting support from our family, friends, and church was moving. We received more text messages than we can count and were on so many prayer lists that we just had a hard time understanding the love and support we felt. We are confident that the Lord did hear our prayers and answered them with a miracle. Friday morning was definitely quite reflective as we realized the power of the Lord and the power of encouragement that He provides in our Christian family. We were moved. Friday afternoon we received quite a bit of testing to determine what had happened and decide what the next course of action is. The short story - Graham is perfectly fine and most likely didn't know what was going on. I probably had some blood vessels pop, but we may never know for sure. We stayed in the hospital through Sunday and had so many visitors that the hospital stay wasn't as hard or boring as it might have been. Our families spent most of the weekend at the hospital, and quite a few of our friends visited. We were checked out on Sunday afternoon, and I'm on bedrest for the rest of this week at least. Because what happened to me is not a normal occurence, there isn't specific instruction on what I am allowed to do. So, we go back to the doctor on Thursday to see where we are.

Some humor in the midst of our crazy weekend - during the ultrasound on Friday we were able to get a few pictures of Graham after they checked him out from head to toe. He had the nerve to stick his tongue out at us! (We'll see if we can post some of his pictures - we've been lucky to get quite a few 4D pictures, but the most recent ones are really sweet.) He is shaping up to be quite the trouble maker.

Thanks for all your prayers - we keep thinking there would have been no way to make it through this without our faith and the prayers of everyone we love!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Mandy! I just found your blog through your comment on Christy's and I'm so glad! I am grateful that Graham didn't make a surprise appearance this weekend....what an answer to prayer. We are expecting a baby in March and are so excited. Keep up the blog!

Michelle McClure (Lucero)