
Almost 8 Months Old!

Graham is experiencing the world these days! We went to visit my grandmother in Richmond a few weekends ago - celebrated my sister in law's birthday, too! Fun! Lots of pool time and good food. Graham has been telling us forquite a while that he's found his voice. Now he's finding words - da-da, a-da, we think he's saying ga-ga. And lots of the classic baby talk. It's so fun!! I'm trying to teach him to say mama, but he just laughs hysterically when I say it. No luck, yet. Graham LOVES bathtime! He is especially partial to a family of ducks that joins him with every bath. He likes the ducks so much that they now live all around the house and rarely find their way into the tub! So, we improvise with the hippo. Graham is really trying to crawl - while on his belly, he now pushes his upper body up with his arms and then uses his toes to get the rest of his body off the floor. Just can't seem to figure out the forward motion, yet.

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