

Last Thursday was not my favorite day. I came home from work to Chip (our AC guy). Now Chip is a great guy, but he's not the guy you want to see in your house when it's 100 degrees outside. Yep, the upstairs AC was on the fritz. Again. We had the pleasure of purchasing a brand new AC heat pump and air handler last week. Yea.
Shortly after Chip left that afternoon, a crazy storm hit Virginia Beach. We lost power. Great. Graham had a terrible cold, and we were relying on the humidifier to help him sleep. Later that evening, we heard a CRACK. Yep - tree down in the front yard. And now my front yard looks a little naked.

1 comment:

beckley said...

poor tree.

we were out of AC for 3days this week over a hundred degrees, too. it was awful. ugh.