
Life With Baby

Life with Graham just gets better and better every day. We're trying new things all the time - sippy cups (he's certainly not proficient, yet), standing (only for about 10 seconds with some help), lots of swimming and kicking in his float, walks in the Baby Bjorn (Graham's legs move LOTS)...

Our vegetable harvest begins!! The first tomato...
Graham, unfortunately, is not a big fan of tomatoes - I've put them with potatoes. Not a fan. He's also not a fan of chicken (but who would like pureed chicken?!) We tried chicken with sweet potato and apple. There was no hiding the chicken - yucky. We just tried plums this week with some bananas - he loves plums! We've got LOTS of squash in the garden. (Actually no squash, yet. Just lots of squash blossoms. I definitely overplanted. It was starting to cover up my watermelon and jalapeno plants. Kyle had to trim it back because I didn't have the heart.

Graham finally fits into the clothes that Kyle bought him from WRV when I was pregnant! We've dubbed this shirt one of his "going out shirts".

Lilies are probably one of my favorite flowers - I've been eyeing the buds on my asiatic lilies for the longest time - they're just starting to pop open! I'm hoping Molly lets me enjoy them for a while before trampling them.

Practicing our standing...

It's definitely hot here these days - 90s - and Graham seems to prefer no clothes. (Is it possible for them to have an opinion at this age?) He fights me putting his clothes on in the morning. So, I cave since I think his naked body is just irresistible.

It's actually possible to have a life outside baby time! (For a while I wondered if it really was possible....) Kyle and I hosted our dinner club this past weekend, and we had a blast. We love getting together with these friends - always full of laughs and lots of good food. And I've started enjoying getting back into trying new recipes and cooking more. It's fun when I have the time and can enjoy it.

We started to introduce Graham to a sippy cup a few weeks ago. He's not quite sure what to do with it. So, we're trying a new one to see if he'll go for it. Such a big step for me!

Some of our dearest friends were in town for almost two weeks recently! We got lots of time with them - dinners, beach time, pool time. We wish you all lived closer!!!

Christy and I tried out the paddle boards while the guys watched the little fellas.

Silly jet skier making waves ....

We took Graham to the beach - his first "official" beach trip. We've been before but just to go walking or look at the ocean. This time was our first official "let's pack lunches and all kinds of equipment because we're camping out" beach day. And, we decided to leave our house at 9:45 on a Saturday morning and just hope for the best. (Graham takes a nap around 10.) He had an absolute blast and completely forgot about his nap! We stayed until about 2:30 when he did fall asleep.

Graham and his buddy Kallen at the beach....

Graham had his first overnight stay at Papa and Gigi's house (my parents) a couple weeks ago. We went to the Coldplay concert with our friends Jill and Adam. Pretty cool story ... our local amphitheater put all lawn tickets to every concert this summer on sale for $10 each a couple Fridays ago. We couldn't pass up that offer. The four of us arrived, got a bite to eat and had just claimed some lawn (at the very, very back) when a lady approached us. She asked if we were having fun and if we wanted to have more fun - well sure. She gave us tickets for the first section near the stage, row Q! So, we walk all the way up front with our new tickets and enjoyed the show up front! Great show by the way. Was hoping to see Gwyneth - no such luck. A bit of the concert is below.


Christy said...

Oh my gosh I love your posts SO much!!!!

We are in some MAJOR Gift withdrawal, let me just tell you!! :) My heart ached to leave...seriously...

I've been SO excited to hear how the dinner group went...the table looks gorgeous!!!

And Graham is def a LADY's MAN! esp in that shirt!!
Love the pictures with you on the boards...
and the lily's are gorgeous...oh, I could go on and on!

Red said...

So much fun! I love seeing pictures of Graham, I think he's gotten bigger in the last 2 weeks!! ;)

Glad that ya'll are getting some much needed adult time too, what a blessing.

beckley said...

SOOO fun!
i'd like to go on and on, but my children are going nuts!

COLDPLAY?!?!?!! so jealous! they are my fave. we're drooling over the tickets our friends have when they're here this summer. yummy.

more garden pics, please. i've been missing your garden and wondering how it's doing... :)