
Lessons Learned...

I confess this blog entry has nothing to do with a little boy or two dogs! So, we'll consider this a commercial break - we're talking gardening now. We've started to enjoy the veggies! We actually had enough vegetables to saute quite a bit of them and serve with parmesan cheese over fresh cheese ravioli the other day - so yummy. So, lessons learned -
I can't tell the difference (yet) between the tomatoes we planted from seeds and the actual plants. (Except the obvious - time it takes for them to grow.) They're all yummy!

If you like - but don't LOVE - squash, don't plant 15 little seedlings. They FLOURISH! Can you see the butternut climbing up our six foot fence?! It's now climbed up the tree in my neighbor's yard.

Peppers - sweet and jalapeno - take a little while longer to grow. Cukes grow quickly!

Basil grows very well from either plants or seeds. I used all seeds this year, and it's growing like a weed. We'll be making lots of pesto and freezing it for the winter.

Flowers - I just love lilies, and they're all in bloom now.

Asiatic lilies really do grow and multiply year after year. Just wish the blooms lasted longer! (Might have something to do with the fact that these flowers are in the middle of one of Molly's running paths...)

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