
Summer is drawing to a close

Summer is alsmost over, and we're sad. We LOVE summer. We think this was the last weekend to swim in the pool (without having to pay an arm and a leg to heat it), I just replaced my summer flowers with pansies and mums, and the weather is really starting to cool off. We went to get frozen yogurt at Skinny Dip last night, and I was actually chilled. Very sad.

This past weekend, Kyle's dad, step-mom, and one of his sisters came to visit! We had a great visit, and Kyle and Pop-Pop (we actually think Graham may end up calling him Paco....) built him a craft table. We have a bench that used to be mine - it's now painted red - and we bought two light blue chairs to go with the table. They also built a box to go underneath the table for storage. Graham is already enjoying it! Once the paint dries, I'll post more pictures...


Christy said...

is that Graham in the first picture????!!!
He's getting SO BIG :)
I love you friend!!!!!

Kate and Geoff said...

Good grief, you guys are a gorgeous family! Seriously, knock it off. It's practically unfair.

Am loving reading your blog, Mandy! :-)


Mandy said...

Kate!! You make me blush!!:) I've just started reading your blog, too - LOVE LOVE it!! If you've read far enough, you know I'm a sucker for my dogs. Naturally I LOVE the pics of the dogs on your site...have a great vacation!!