
Summer Vacations

I'm finally figuring out how to navigate this new Mac. I will say, the computer is much more intuitive than a Dell, but I'm still trying to figure out my "tricks".
So a long overdue post on our summer vacations! We took two trips this summer - one to Kiawah Island with my family and one to Topsail Island with Kyle's family - both were great. Graham loved the beach, the sand, being with family, loved playing with his cousins, and we were really able to relax. Vacation is so much more fun these days having Graham with us! One change - my SUV is PACKED TO THE BRIM! I honestly don't know what we would do if we didn't have such a large car. It's kinda crazy how much stuff we pack. But, having "conveniences" certainly made life easy.
Kyle and Graham with Graham's Buddy (grandpa), his two cousins, and his uncle Greg -

A cloudy day at the beach - and, yes, Graham is still in his pajamas!

Dinner on the deck - nothing like listening to the waves crashing!

Evie with the cutest pink fishing pole!

Graham LOVES his pool! (Kyle and I find it a bit relaxing, too...)

Evelyn, Graham's cousin (we call her Evie)

Graham and his cousin, Lila

Graham LOVES his Uncle Barrett, and Barrett is always so great to play with him!

We buried Graham's leg, and so enjoyed watching him try to find his feet!

Gigi and Papa brought GREAT books to vacation. Papa especially enjoyed reading about the Red Sox with Graham. One day we'll have to take him to Fenway...

My brother and sister in law - Uncle Zach and Aunt Robin - we miss them so much!!

There was MUCH paddle boarding and surfing on vacation!

I don't know what we'd do without this "backpack". It's amazing. Certainly makes me sore, but it's so easy to walk.

We loved going to the pool everyday at Kiawah

A storm rolling in one night...

On our way down to Kiawah, we stopped for a day in Charleston, SC. What a fantastic place! It's been years since I've been there. We had an amazing lunch at Magnolia - crabcakes, fried green tomatoes - we tried it all! then, Kyle, Graham and I walked around the waterfront (gorgeous!) and looked at houses (HUGE!)

We went on an alligator hunt every day on our bikes - here's a little guy

Wearing his dad out....

1 comment:

Christy said...

sorry to comment so much!! :)

what a GREAT post!!!
I love getting to hear about your vacations---which look FABULOUS by the way!! how fun to get so much time with your families---and Graham is growing up and getting cuter than EVER!! I can't wait to get these two boys together again---they are going to have a blast! :)

And I LOVE the backpack---which one is it??? We definitely need to get one for K!!