
Why Aren't There Updates?!

Quite a bit has happened since I last blogged! Graham went on his first family vacation, we've spent time at the beach (Virginia Beach), he's started army crawling, pulling himself up, he's getting 4 teeth at the same time, we're working on getting passport pictures for a December vacation, he now loves to pitch head-first off the size of our bed... we also had his 9 month check-up. He's gotten pretty long and skinny - I'm missing some of his fat rolls! He grew 7 inches between 6 and 9 months. He's 30 inches long and 22 pounds.

And where might the pictures be?!

Well, our faithful Dell lived a good long life - 8 years. It finally bit the dust this past Friday night. Kyle and I knew this was coming, and we knew we aspired to be one of those very cool, Mac families. Well, we've got the Mac part done - don't know how close we are to achieving the cool part! Saturday morning Kyle went to the Apple store and bought a Mac book - is that how you say it? I haven't even touched the computer, yet. New technology just makes me tired thinking about it. Kyle - the resident tech guy in my house - has been uploading all of our pictures, videos, music from our back-up hard drive onto the Mac. And, I'm going to start getting lessons from him soon. We plan to take it on vacation with us next week (it's so light! probably half the weight of my company laptop) Very soon - I'm going to acquaint myself with this new-fangled system.

I leave you with another jumping video. (You may ask yourself if Graham stays in this jumpy seat all day!) We actually just moved his jumpy seat to a doorway that's twice the size of a regular doorway. Graham jumps so vigorously, that his head was getting uncomfortably close to the molding...


Christy said...

ohhhhhh....you're going to have FUN!!!! :)

LOVE hearing from you!!
miss you!!!
have FUN on vacation!!!!!!

mary j. said...

ahahah, I love Graham's vigorous jumping. And I am amazed that he grew 7 inches from 6 to 9 months! Hope you had a wonderful vacation and are enjoying some time at the beach. Fun that you got a mac, too – I think you will love it. I am guessing you will have iPhoto for doing your photos (I hope so!), it is awesome...makes looking at and organizing photos sooo easy and fast!

beckley said...

happy Mac :) so easy. so fun. you'll get it. you will.

7 inches in 3 months? holy cow!!!!!!!

iphoto 09 is fantastic. and don't forget to get your snow leopard :)


Mandy said...

Hey Mac ladies! :) Kyle's been giving me short lessons on the new computer - and I have to say it's much simpler and easier to "get" than a PC. I'm finding I'm having to re-train my brain a bit. But this makes much more sense.

Mandy said...

Oh - Robyn - we did get snow leaopard. (All this time I've been wondering what people have been talking about!) Kyle and I love the Planet Earth series - the snow leaopard episode is (was) my only visual...

Catherine said...

Mandy! I love your posts. Little Graham is such a honey!

Ok, I am so surprised about the Mac. You go girl! We're so taking over the world one PC person at a time.