
Almost One....

Graham's new thing is carrying stuff around in his mouth while he's crawling about the house. It's hilarious! And almost to the day of his first birthday, he figured out how great pacifiers are. (?!) We think he's actually just biting/ chewing it. Not sure what the future holds. The pictures below are from the day he chose is "cherry" teething toy to carry around. He makes me laugh!

Kyle and I were home from work for two days because of a bad storm, then we had the weekend. This is what our brown girls do all day!

Graham is ON THE MOVE these days! This is his Ammi, my grandmother, walking him around the house...
And, Graham has taken up mountain climbing as well. He likes to climb up EVERYONE!

We went on a field trip with Graham to McDonald's nursery - their Christmas extravaganza. Graham LOVED it! They had so many trees all decked out. And shiny. Graham loves shiny! He particularly liked this dog...perhaps because it's much closer to his size. His doggies are a bit too big for him...

His first cracker....so appropriate given his name!

At lunch at Mahi Mah's on the oceanfront. He loves the beach!

He's not a huge fan of this new hat. But, I just couldn't resist!

Kyle and I did some Christmas shopping at Target with Graham last Saturday. Kyle found some balls to juggle - which Graham thinks is hilarious.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I love that sweet boy!
Your pictures are amazing :) love getting to see glimpses into your life...
I want to be NEIGHBORS!!! :)