
October 2009 - A Little Catch Up

A post wouldn't be complete without new pictures from the park!! We had our first days of winter a week or two ago, and we had to break out the hats. I have realized that Graham's mittens in the winter are going to be like his sunglasses in the summer - we misplace them, buy a new pair, find the old. Misplace new pair, buy another, find the old. We ended the summer with 4 pairs of sunglasses when all was said and done. We now have two sets of mittens. Let's see how many we end up with at the end of winter. (and how many match!)

Our sweet little sir has been dealing with a faucet for a nose for the past month. We finally broke down and took him to the doctor. He started his very first round of antibiotics last week and was a new boy after the first does. Made me feel a little guilty for waiting so long. (I was very nervous about Graham going to the doctor and catching the swine flu from another kid in the waiting room.)

Graham LOVES his crib. He dances, laughs, puts on shows, talks a lot...and now that he's graduated out of his sleep sacks, he's MUCH more active...

Graham thinks it's super fun to climb. He climbs on bookshelves, up the shelves in the fridge, up the stairs. He's very busy these days...

We had to get another trip to the zoo in before the weather turned cold. And we had the perfect day for it - 70 degrees and no humidity. Graham's favorite animals are the same - the meer kats and prairie dogs.

This giraffe had a baby the day before we arrived!

Graham showing off his moves in his crib. (We sing Lady Gaga's "Just Dance" before bedtime every night.)

Graham LOVES the dogs!! He gets so excited to see them every morning. And he loves to pet them. In turn, they love to kiss him. And they are happy to clean up after his meals...

Graham's first time playing with toilet paper

Graham's first spaghetti dinner...perhaps I've posted this picture before?

And the remaining pictures from our day at the botanical gardens in Richmond. The day was super hot, and the kids' section had really fun fountains. So off came the clothes, and Graham went in!

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