
Graham is ONE!

This past year has been such an amazing, fabulous, full, busy year. I can't imagine our life without our little boy. He brings such an incredible amount of joy to our home. Kyle and I can be having an absolutely awful day, and all we need is a smile from Graham to turn everything around. God has so blessed us with this little one (who isn't so little anymore!), it's hard to put into words how privileged we feel to be raising and enjoying this little life. Happy Birthday, little sir! We love you so much.

The giant cupcake for the little boy...
cupcakes for the adults, and cake bites (oh so yummy - from Cookies By Design)
Graham with his BeBe

Graham's little lady friend, Allie (and Allie's mom!)
Graham's little friend, Jasper (and Jasper's mom!)
the kiddos hard at work...
The temperature was 75 degrees! Crazy for November, but the perfect day for Graham's water table. The kids were soaking wet! Who would have thought this little boy would have a change of clothes for his party!?

This cupcake is as big as my head, MOM!

I think I like the icing the best...

My new favorite thing - I loved painting my Ammi's face with icing!

Graham's cousins were happy to help open presents - too cute!

The party favor - super cute cookies from Cookies By Design. One of the things we want Graham to learn as he grows up is to care for others who are in need. As a party favor, we gave a donation to one of our favorite charities, Compassion. We hope Graham will decide to make this sort of thing a larger part of his future birthday parties.

Happy Birthday to my baby Graham!


Red said...

Mandy - great pics from both posts!! I can't believe Graham is 1 already...the time sure does fly by. Happy Birthday Graham!!

beckley said...

yaaaay graham!!!

so fun! i hope it was so fun for you!!!!

love the favor- we're about to adopt some compassion kids.

and you're pretty. just in case that gets missed here- you are so pretty. and i love your cabinets. but they're not as pretty as you. for the record. afterall, you did do the birthing of the baby :)

congrats on your first big year- he's just gorgeous!

Christy said...

So adorable girl!!!
I wish SOOOO bad we could have been there!
I love getting to live vicariously through your pictures!!
We love you guys!!!

Michelle said...

Happy birthday Graham! I'm sure you can hardly believe that a year has already gone by!!