
Daddy Went To Toys R US

Two weekends ago, Kyle went to Toys R Us. And came back with some really fun stuff! A Big Wheel and a keyboard! (Which came in more handy than we even realized at the time. Later that weekend, Graham got his first fever. Real fever - his first fever not associated with a vaccination. It was 103, and my little guy was miserable. So sad!! I found myself going to bed emotionally exhausted every night. We finally took him to the doctor on Monday morning - his nasty cold had turned into a double ear infection. He's back to normal after some antibiotics. What would we do without antibiotics?!)

We now call Graham "Maestro", and he REALLY loves to ride his big wheel down the street. And his mommy and daddy are REALLY ready for the warm weather to stick around so we can do it more often!

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