
Barrett, Gift, Keefer Family Vacation July 2011

We had the most wonderful family vacation this year - the weather was perfect (85 degrees during the day, 70 at night, no humidity), family conversations were great, we laughed a lot, and we ate really yummy food!

Graham's comment when we were walking on the beach together: "Graham is wearing cool sunglasses like Mommy!"  Oh  I LOVE this boy!!

Aunt Stephanie and sweet little Jack

Uncle Bear and Brooks

Uncle Bear, Megan, Evie, Lila

Kyle, Uncle Bear, and Graham with some crazy colorful suntan lotion!

An easy way to have the babies at the beach - in their own private baby pool!  (Jack had one, too!)

Kyle's handy invention - he created a lane line so we can swim laps!  He strung a rope through noodles.  Brilliant!

Aunt Kathryn with Brooks

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