
Brooks Bradley Gift

We arrived at the hospital around 8:20pm on New Year's Eve. My water broke at 7:45 pm, and by the time we were at the hospital my contractions (mild) were 2-5 minutes apart. Within short order I "ordered" an epidural (not before some teeth-gritting contractions, though!), and we waited. Around 11:30pm my contractions had slowed a bit to 6 minutes apart. They gave me a small dose of petosin (sp?), and they picked right back up. Within an hour we were ready to go!

Brooks Bradley Gift was born at 12:56am January 1, 2011. And his parents have no excuse for ever forgetting his birthday - 1/1/11 at about 1am in the morning!


Courtney said...

congratulations, mandy!!! i LOVE his name!

Christy said...

HOW do you look SO beautiful just after giving birth???!!!!! SO EXCITED for you guys!!! LOVE YOU!