
First Time at the Movie Theater

This picture really looks like nothing but blackness. Look closely, and you'll see the outline of Graham's face. At the movie theater! Graham has a really yucky cold, so we're trying to keep him away from Brooks so that Brooks doesn't catch it. Kyle stayed home from work today to help me do that, and he decided he wanted to take Graham to the movies. I was immediately quite dismayed since I didn't want to miss out on that "first". But it was something special for the two fellas to do together. The only kid-friendly movie out was Yogi Bear. And Graham LOVED it! Kyle made the movie experience complete with popcorn and candy. And he and Graham were the only two people in the theater. Graham was so taken with Yogi Bear that when he wasn't on the screen, he would yell out "more BEAR" in the theater. Not a big deal since no one else was in the theater!

When they came home, Graham came running in the door yelling, "Mommy, Mommy - BEAR! Movies! Bear fell down! Boo boo ouch!"

1 comment:

Christy said...

oh my gosh I'm laughing hysterically!!!!!! awesome :)