

So I've been a basket case for a while.  And so few people understand exactly what it is that we are going through.  Most are so kind and ask what we need.  And we certainly have all the "stuff" that one can need.  But.  That is just the smallest part of this process.  And frankly the easiest.  And then every once in a while I have a friend enter in and understand as much as they possibly can.  And it  makes me breathe.  And this is from one of those friends.  I want to be Kathleen when I grow up.  She asks the right questions.  She enters in to the real.  And her heart - her heart is huge.  She gave this to us one evening when I really needed to breathe.  And until we bring Claire home this is actually for us to read every day.  Because this is not about us.  This is about an orphan. 

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