
Coming Out of The Fog...

This week has been a really good week so far. Kyle has gone back to work, and Graham and I are really getting to know each other. I really enjoy our snuggle time, and I love just looking at him. Especially when he opens his eyes! It's amazing to me how time is flying by! He has already changed so much. One of his outfits is already a bit snug on him. I can't believe that we will have had him for two weeks this coming Saturday. This weekend I'm hopeful to be up and around a bit. Kyle and I are going to try to take a walk (very slowly...) and I'm going to get a much-needed pedicure. I had an appt for November 8th but ended up being busy. Now it's beyond an emergency!
We tried out our sling this morning, and it was fabulous - thank you Kimberly!!
Some updated pictures are below.
I'll hold my own bottle, thanks Mom.

How many pacifiers can fit in Graham's Moses basket?

I LOVE snuggling with my girls - and they will do anything to all get on the same couch.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

2 weeks already. WOW!