
Two Weeks Old Today

Graham is officially two weeks old today. And, this morning I took one look at the shirt he was wearing and told him it was time to retire the shirt. He wasn't too happy at first, but he really didn't want to enter the fashion world wearing a "wife beater" type shirt. So, we're retiring our first set of clothes. So, we moved on to a onesie that looks like the one in the above picture.
Graham Knox Gift

Evening snuggle time with my girls. The boppy has many uses. None of which have yet been for Graham. It's very helpful for sitting on while healing, and dogs seems to particularly enjoy it. Kona seems to snag mine every night.

Kyle just installed a dog door in our garage door. Kona totally gets it.

Molly, on the other hand...
(It's FREEZING today - thus the shirts for my girls.)

Sweet snuggle time with Kona.


Red said...

I love that you continue to post pictures of the girls - sometimes when a baby comes along the animal children get pushed aside. I'm sure they are equally thrilled to have as much attention as they are getting from their mommy! =)

Graham is getting cuter and cuter - keep those pics coming! =0)


Mandy said...

Hey Redonna!! These little ladies are my babies!! I crave my snuggle time with them - although I will say transition is very tricky. And, I think our life will be nothing but transition with our girls as Graham moves through different stages.

ColStor said...

Mandy you look so beautiful!!

love - weese