
Graham Knox Gift

Graham Knox Gift was born on November 8, 2008 at 9:49 in the morning. We're already smitten with him and just can't get enough of him!

Mandy's water broke around 3am on Friday evening and we were at the hospital around 4:30. (Next time we won't wait this long...) Contractions started around 4:30 and weren't too bad. They picked up rather quickly, however. In fact the nurse kept asking what my level of pain was. On a scale of 1-10, what do I have to compare this to? A sprained ankle?! So, in the middle of some rather painful contractions, I told the nurse I was at a level 4-5. She didn't believe me. I told her I was saving level 10 for the "throws" of labor which I anticipated would be much later in the afternoon or evening. Well, in the middle of my level 4-5 pain we found out I was 7 cm dilated and Graham would most likely be entering the world well before the lunch hour. In came the epidural and what relief! Kyle and I took a good nap, the nurse came in around 9:00 - 9:15 am, and we were ready to push! Graham Knox Gift was born at 9:49am weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces. He was 20 inches long. And, he has a very good working set of lungs. We think he's super cute! The girls (Kona and Molly) are still getting used to him. We're getting adjusted to the classically sleep-deprived state of parenthood, but just taking one look at his face makes everything completely worth it!

We're astonished at the amount of clothes Graham can go through in a day, the amount of food he can eat, and the amount of diapers we're changing. Kyle still can't figure out why Graham has to wear clothes since he goes through them so quickly...


mary j. said...

YAyayayayayay! Congratulations! Thanks for posting here, I have been wondering and waiting for news of Graham's "0" birthday. Welcome, baby Graham!!

Christy said...

Oh my gosh, I'm just freaking out with excitement every single day thinking about you guys and reliving this precious precious time with your little man...he is SOOOOO precious...we love you ALL 5 so much!! If Molly and Kona need a listening ear, I'm sure Cardiff and Dexter understand what they're going through! :) xoxoxo!

Michelle said...

Congratulations Mandy!! I'm so excited that Graham has arrived and is home safe and sound. Hope these next few days go as smooth as possible for you all.

Michelle (Lucero) McClure