
Graham Knox Gift

I'm meeting my dogs for the first time. We're not quite sure what we think of each other.
My dad and my uncle Zach are trying out my mom's new equipment.

I love to sleep on my daddy.

Going home from the hospital.

My Papa is writing a book for me! He's written the introduction already. The book is going to teach me about important things in life.

My Uncle Zach and Aunt Robin drove from Tennessee to see me! And, they made the funniest clothes for me. My mom and dad are going to laugh every time I wear these...

Our new family

Our entire family! Mom, Dad, BB, Buddy, Papa, Gigi, Ammi, and Uncle Bear

This is my BB and my Buddy

My mom and my Papa are introducing me to my great grandfather

The newest Gift fella celebrating his "0" birthday

Minutes after being born....

Uncle Bear and Wendy came to celebrate my "0" birthday

This is my great grandmother, Ammi

My first day - everything checks out!

My mom's dear friend Heidi - she's going to have a baby in April. We're going to be buddies.

I hated my first bath, but I LOVE to have my head massaged.

I'm getting used to my new home - one hour after being born.

Just a few minutes after being born...really proud dad.


Christy said...

Thank you SOOOOOOOO much for the pictures!!! I'm laughing and crying all at the same time...it means SOOOO much to see this precious little "Gift" even though we're so far away!!!! I am counting down the days till we get to meet him!! Sending so much love and excitement to the WHOLE family! And by the way, GREAT JOB MANDY!!! Wow, you really got him out FAST! All those years of being an athlete have really paid of! :) LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for finally posting!! I've been looking every day! Can't wait to come see you guys.

Red said...

Hooray! Congrats guys, he is a super cutie and I LOVE the "0" birthday. =) Keep the pictures coming, I can't get enough! Much love!!

xoxo ~Red