
Graham - Week Two

So, we're on week two with Graham! Sunday Kyle was able to get me and Graham out of the house for the first time. We stopped for a drink and then drove to the beach. Luckily, Graham is like me in the car - it's the perfect place to sleep! So, Kyle and I enjoyed looking at the ocean. Then we went to my parents house to check out Graham's new room and new crib. He seems to like it! Kyle went back to work on Monday - which I was really nervous about. But, Graham and I have had some great time together. His awake time is in the morning from about 8:30 - 10:30. After he eats, we have been reading. He seems interested in his books but falls asleep the minute I begin reading the Wall Street Journal. I think he's finding the current economic environment rather depressing.
I'm not quite sure about this shirt, Mom...

I am so good at this!

Two dogs and a little boy...

My mom really has a thing for my feet.

Do you think my hat is too big? (Note - this was just resting on the top of his head and fell down. It's not really completely covering his face.)

My hat says half full...

Can't a guy get some rest around here? (This is Allie Wight, Graham's new friend down the street. She was born two months ago.)


Red said...

Glad he's doing so well and that you are adapting to live with him and Kyle back at work. He's such a cutie, keep the pictures coming! ;0)

Anonymous said...

Mandy: I love the one of him asleep with his arm above his head. At almost four, Abby still sleeps with her arms above her head. I LOVE sleeping baby pics. He is so cute!