

Some kind friends invited us and our four kiddos over for dinner  some months ago (I'm so delayed on updating this blog!).  Our kids have really never played video games.  And their friends had a Wii.  So they decided to play baseball.  And one of our kids actually has a really good arm for throwing and can swing a bat and connect with almost every ball.  Although the "gear" is quite different than in real baseball.  So that sweet kid of ours ended up throwing the remote/ machine you push the buttons on at the TV thinking that is how you play baseball.  It cracked the entire TV.  And our sweet one was absolutely horrified.  So he and Kyle snuck out to HHGregg at 7:30 at night, snuck back in with a brand-new TV and had it set up about 30 minutes later.  Big, better than the last TV.  And the new TV comes with ongoing tech support.  Kyle Gift, Tech Support LLC will be on call forever. 

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