
Kyle's Invention

Kyle has been working on a side project for about a year and a half now. (For more information go to http://www.stykor.com/) Short story - he's an avid paddle-boarder, and he drives a four door sedan. I'm usually using my SUV, so getting his board to the beach posed a problem. He created a third rack for the trunk of his car. Engineers, a patent attorney, manufacturer, printers, .... later - and he has a product which is currently in stores! It's been quite a long road, and he's worked so hard. (Everything is made and produced in the USA!) This week marks a pivotal - potentially pivotal - point in the life of this little business. Kyle is going to the annual Surf Expo to introduce other vendors to his product. We're hopeful this product will be in more stores within fairly short order. (It's currently sold through Freedom Surf, WRV, Blue Ridge Mountain Sports, Wild River Outfitters, a hang gliding company in Manhattan, and a few others. The Tadpole can be used to transport kayaks, paddle boards, long surf boards, hang gliding equipment, stuff from Home Depot....pretty versatile.)

Kyle has two very good buddies who are joining him on this adventure - Kyle Ziemer and Brian Smith. These three guys are such good friends, and I'm hopeful they'll have a really wonderful time together. (In addition to 'working the crowd!) We're so grateful to Kyle and Brian for their support! They're truly some of our favorite people.

More details to come!

1 comment:

Christy said...

LOVE to think about them working the crowd!!!...cause you KNOW they are!!! :)