
Polar Express Movie Night

Years ago, Kyle used to rent his AV equipment for presentations from a company that ultimately went out of business (this was back in "the day" when he also had to stop at a pay phone to check his company voicemail on an 800#!  We have come a long way with cell phones.  And he's been in the same career for a very long time!)  Well, when the company went out of business, they had a fire sale on all their equipment.  Kyle bought a 15 foot movie screen and an LCD projector for $200.  (TOTAL!)  We've periodically watched movies in the backyard or hooked it up to the TV to watch a show.  But, most frequently we think about doing this in the summer, and it doesn't get dark until at least 9:00.  Well, with this crazy daylight savings, it feels like it gets dark at 3 in the afternoon these days!!  (Really it's dark by 5.)  So, we thought a fun kick-off to the Christmas season would be outdoor movie night with our friends and their kids.  And, it was such a hit we're going to have to make this an annual tradition.  Kids were instructed to bring their sleeping bags if it was particularly cold (we had a few outdoor heaters running, and the temps weren't too bad!), and/ or a chair to sit in.  We ordered pizza and had lots of fun snacks (we "stole" some ideas from our friend Brian's man-night that he does with his boys).  We had about 30 kids and about 25 adults, and we really had a ball.  Graham had SO much fun at the party - he was quite the party animal.  He ate more pizza and cookies that I can even count. 

My pictures aren't that great, but you get the idea....

(The contraption sticking out of the window was a platform that Kyle rigged to hold up the LCD projector.  I've asked that the set-up be a bit more turn-key next year!)


Red said...

You guys have THE MOST FUN! I so wish we still lived in Norfolk and could come party at the Gifts! :)

Keith said...

Is that a ladder hanging out horizontally from the house!!! Sounds like one of Kyle's ideas and I'm sure it was as stable as the foundation.